Service Time & Location

We gather for in-person services every  Sunday at 10AM at Durbin Creek Elementary

(4100 Race Track Rd. Saint Johns, FL 32259)

Live stream is available each week on YouTube.

What to Expect

We know that finding the right church for your family can be a process.

On your first visit with us, you can expect to receive a warm welcome from amazing people who want to answer your questions, introduce you to our pastors & leaders, and help you get connected to our incredible church family.



Pneuma Kids

Our Pneuma Kids program is designed for children from 6 weeks old through 5th grade.

On your first visit with your family, you can expect a leader from our Pneuma Kids team to show you around, help you register your child in our database, and answer any questions you may have.



pneuma yth.

Pneuma yth. is our student ministry for middle & high school students. Our vision is to see all students Pursue Jesus and Passionately Make Him Known!

Pneuma Yth. meets each Wednesday at 6:30PM at Pneuma Central. We also have a Middle School Service on the first and third Sundays of every month during our 10 AM Service! 

For more details, email Noah@PneumaLife.Church